5 UX Web or APP strategy keys

In the design of a web page or app, content (or copy) there are elements of great importance that will greatly influence the User Experience.

The quality of the content, quantity, relevance, veracity, relationship with the subject, etc. are relevant factors that will make our web or app have the desired success or do not have it; Are decisive aspects in the User Experience.

In the content solution we offer in one form or another the designers, programmers, Copy writers will intervene.

In order for our tool to offer optimum and quality content that provides a correct User Experience, before launching it in the market or in a new sprint, we must ask ourselves a series of questions:


How to start a good UI / UX strategy?

The best way to start a correct UX / UI strategy is by setting the goals we want to achieve.

These objectives should be specific to each project and should be adequate because, if the objectives are not set or inadequate, the project will suffer setbacks, delays and failures.

For a project to succeed, the objectives have to be defined with a focus on the user, their needs, their natural navigation behaviour, their goals and their concerns.

After all, when we create a digital product we make it exclusively for  who uses our product which ultimately decide the success of our website, app or software.

Therefore, users should always be present in the creation of a digital product; The priorities of the users must be our priorities, and their objectives, our objectives. The entire process should be centered on them.

If we put ourselves in the situation of the user, we understand their needs, their tastes and their way of interacting. From a user perspective, the objectives of the project may change and may not be the same as those we initially proposed.

Without a doubt, the first step in creating a project should be to define the objectives: specific objectives, particular objectives and above all correct objectives.


How many teams should we include in the project?

The different teams that we include in the creation of our project as well as their degree of involvement must be studied carefully because the lack or excess of equipment can cause problems and delays.


If we include a small number of teams in the project, we may find it difficult to meet the goals or deadlines.

If, on the other hand, the number of teams is excessive, the same can happen because it will be difficult to reach agreements during the process.

The minimum number of advisable equipment that should be involved in a project is three: UX Team, Design Team and Development Team (or programming).

Although more equipment can be included such as Content Equipment, Marketing Team, Sales Team, …

The maximum number of equipment that a project should include depends on the complexity of the project, but in no case can it be so high as to impede the proper functioning of the project.

The goal setting phase is a great opportunity to include teams that will be needed during the project; Teams with different specialties, knowledge and areas, who know and understand the priorities of users in each stage of the project.

Each team can bring different visions, different experiences and different objectives. Always based on the needs and priorities of the users, a set of main objectives will be set that can be complemented with certain objectives of the company in case of not matching with those of the users.


What technologies to use?

Users, entrepreneurs, programmers, designers … we are all lovers of technology; We want to have the latest technology, the fastest and the most powerful.

But we must be careful when choosing the technologies that will be used in our project because, not always, the most advanced, fast and powerful are the most suitable for us; Can even hurt us.

The technology we choose has to cover the real needs of the project, the users and the goals set.

Once the objectives are defined, we will choose the technology that is most appropriate.

A good way to choose the most appropriate technologies for our project is to make a comparative table in which we will list on the one hand the available technologies and on the other our objectives. Then we will score each technology for each objective depending on the capacity it has to meet it: the technology or technologies that obtain the highest overall or particular score, depending on the case, will be the winners, which we will choose to develop our project.

There are several ways to choose technologies, but the simplest and most effective way is to make a comparison of the technologies we have and their capacity to meet the needs and objectives of the project. We will choose the technologies that most optimally cover each need and each objective and, if a technology covers more than one need or objective satisfactorily, we will select it without hesitation, unless the use of two different technologies significantly improves the final result :

“If a car works properly with 4 wheels … why are we going to make it with 8 wheels?” (The more wheels, the more likely it is to click) ”

What to do first, the content or strategy UX

Generally, the interface and User Experience are usually designed or studied before content, which is then included to complete the project. However, this sequence is not without risk and can lead to setbacks.

To reduce these risks it is advisable to test the interface with long and short content, with images and without images, with options and without them, etc.

The interface should respond correctly regardless of the size or type of content it contains. You should also display the content correctly on different device types and resolutions.

UX analysis only at the beginning?

Not all projects have the same needs, nor can all strategies work correctly throughout the project; Depending on the evolution of the project, needs may change and some strategies may no longer be valid.

Therefore, strategies and objectives must be carefully considered throughout the process.

If, for example, we change the design of an already established web or app can change in the User Experience so you never have to lose sight of it.

After each modification of a product or prototype, it is advisable to perform a new UX analysis to validate the change correction.

User testing, functional testing and content can vary the User Experience and even the objectives so it is advisable to perform UX analysis continuously, or at the very least, at the beginning and end of the process of creating a digital product.

A basic sequence of steps to follow in creating a digital product would be:
It is advisable to make the tests and changes that are necessary on prototypes or wireframes since, making changes on the final interface increases the costs, the deadlines and the effort.

