User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX) are two concepts that are often confused and, although related, different.
Both try to meet the needs of users-customers, try to detect points to improve in certain aspects so that the user or client enjoy a better experience.
UX professionals (and CX professionals) focus on analyzing, testing and evaluating web pages, software, apps, platforms and Ecommerces to optimize them and make them more effective in their objectives.
To understand the difference between User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX) we will start by briefly explaining each of these concepts.
What is UX
User Experience refers to the experiences a user experiences when interacting with a product or service, the perceptions they have before, during and after interacting.
In the User Experience various factors such as:
- Design
- Intuitiveness
- Information Architecture ( AI )
- Usability
- Accessibility
The set of perceptions of all these factors is what will form the End User Experience that can be both positive and negative.
The User Experience (UX) can be measured with several metrics such as:
- Percentage of dropouts
- Time the user needs to achieve his goal
- Number of clicks necessary
- Conversion rate
What is CX
The concept of Customer Experience is broader. It covers all the interactions, perceptions and feelings of a customer with a brand, not limited to a particular product or service.
It could be defined as the sum of all experiences.
Some factors that generate the Customer Experience are:
- UX
- Branding
- Communication
- Purchasing process
- Shipping
- Deadlines
The set of perceptions of all these factors is what will form the final Customer Experience that can be both positive and negative.
We say that UX and CX are related since the User Experience is one of the factors that intervene in the Customer Experience.
The Customer Experience (CX) can be measured with several metrics such as:
- The Fidelity
- Overall satisfaction
- The opinion of the service
CX vs UX
Both UX and CX aim to improve the tools and satisfactorily meet all the needs of the users so that they enjoy an optimal experience but, they do it focusing on different aspects.
As main differences we can highlight:
- Focuses on a product or service
- Analyze a user-company relationship channel
- It covers all channels of user-company relationship
- Evaluates certain interaction factors
- The time it takes is less
- Study all the relationships with the brand
- Evaluate all interaction factors
- The time it takes is May
The fact that a user has a positive User Experience does not imply that his Customer Experience is also positive and vice versa.
To better understand these differences we see two examples:
UX positive and negative CX
A user easily accesses an Ecommerce; The trade is very easy to use, is intuitive, visually pleasing and navigates and buys in it quickly and easily. User Experience is positive.
However, after the purchase, the trade does not meet the delivery deadlines, the item reaches the customer in poor condition and when trying to communicate with the trade suffers difficulties so the Customer Experience is negative.
UX negative and CX positive
The same user accesses the electronic commerce but has problems to find the product that he looks for, the information is scarce and he does not easily understand the steps that he has to follow to make the purchase. Your User Experience is negative.
However, it gets in touch with the company that quickly and efficiently help and solve your doubts, advise you and offer alternatives, possibilities and amenities. After the purchase, the user receives the item within the stipulated time, in perfect condition and has been informed at all times of the status of their shipment so that the Customer Experience has been positive.
Take action with Checkealos:
- Blocked in the design of your app? Find out how our usability and user experience specialists can help you UX Expert Review.
- Knows the needs of the users of application or game from its beta phase and improves its usability before launching it to the market. Usability Testing
- Know the users needs of application or game from its beta phase and improves its usability before launching it to the market Usability for game developers.