To understand the process of web design it is necessary to analyse each and every one of the phases that compose it.
It is not an automatic procedure in which a page is developed without thought, but a gradual process where phases are covered to ensure they work at various stages that are needed to give rise to the final result. There is no better way to explain it than by going through each one of these phases by delving into each one of them.
The first thing to keep in mind is that these are progressive stages and if what is expected is a correct result, they must maintain an absolutely necessary order. For example it is not appropriate to start the house on the roof, because problems would appear and work is much greater when we have to go back to correct mistakes. Let’s talk about these phases and deepen their relevance.
What are the phases of the web design process?
But, what exactly are the stages we are talking about? The phases of the web design process are neither more nor less than necessary to develop any such project. in this process there are 5 stages. Everything starts with an investigation that will lead to the next phase, the planning, which in turn will result in the architecture of the page itself, as well as its content.
So far we have made a tour of the fundamentals of any web, but then there are two other phases, which are, on the one hand, design and construction, on the other hand, optimization and evaluation.
Finally, we could talk about something as optional as it is advisable, which is the after all: we already have a web page, now, do we want the project to continue growing? Then add the phase of positioning and marketing that, although it will be outside this framework, it is never too much to take into account.
Investigation and analysis – UI UX
To start with the web design process of any page it becomes necessary to investigate and analyse all the aspects that converge around the project. The first thing to be taken care of is the objectives of the web page in question, since later everything has to revolve around them; However, this is not the only fundamental issue within the investigation.
Factors such as the target of the web seem crucial when laying the foundation of it, as we refer to the audience to which the page will be directed and in their hands will be much of their success. On the other hand, the market in general and the specific sector in which the project will be encompassed, as well as the different webs of the competition, are other aspects that must be analysed throughout the design process.
Web Design Planning – UI UX
In this case we talk about the direct consequence of the research, it is the second phase of the web design process and it is here that this begins to take shape. Depending on the results of previous research and analysis, planning will be faced in one way or another, so it is essential to go through the previous stage before embarking on the one at hand. In this sense, we can say that it is about the project the web page to start developing it.
Architecture and page content – UI UX
Once the planning is completed, the next phase is schematic, since it is a matter of continuing with the aforementioned planning and shaping it. Again we refer to a crucial stage in the web design process, whose function is to be the base of the page; How do you want to present users at a structural level? What kind of content will you host? This is where this is defined and developed. Any tab, any image, any fixed text or any landing page should appear at this time.
Design and usability – UI UX
Once the website is fully established, it is time to give it the desired shape.
We are precisely in the design phase, which is much more relevant than can be thought of many times, since it is an essential part in attracting the target audience. The analysis and planning have already established the type of design that is required for the page, and now the only thing left is to give shape taking into account all the above and doing it in tune.
On the other hand, usability and user experience UI UX are essential in any web page, and although in a way they are also part of the design itself, it is possible to give them a prominent place in this process. It is necessary to create a site that works perfectly in the eyes of visitors, and for this it is necessary to monitor the usability of the site and make sure that everything is simple, fast and convenient for users.
Validity and optimisation
At this point there is nothing more to evaluate the work, done. A stage that, although it may seem less important, is as basic as the other phases of the web design process, since any completed project requires an assessment to verify that everything this right. It is really difficult to evaluate a newly developed page and not find a single mistake, so the sooner they are solved, the sooner you can start up properly.
In Checkealos we are experts in usability and user experience, and that is why we know the phases of the web design process perfectly. We know how important it is that your site develops perfectly, that’s why we put ourselves at your service so that everything goes smoothly in one of the most important aspects with which you will find.
We take care of making the prototype and design of your website adapted to your end users from the initial moment, and we will always be guided by the feedback they provide us. We design user experience (UX).