How to use prototypes in web design



It is imperative to know how to use prototypes in web design when creating any type of digital service for any device. No matter if it is smartphones, tablets or computers, the truth is that any design should be responsive and adapt to all screens, but for this it is always appropriate to prepare each of the prototypes in question. You may be wondering why, but as soon as you know a little more about what a prototype is, you’re sure to come out with doubts.


When we talk about this task we are referring to a sketch about what will later be the web page, something that at this point has to be taken into account in all devices, of course. Generally, a prototyping is focused on the design of interactions in a site facing the user’s eyes, which is the one who will eventually use the web, so it is fundamental.

This resource is widely used because it always ends up lowering the costs of creating a web, since it allows you to design it correctly before actually giving shape and development. When you know how to use a prototype you find the way to find errors and aspects to correct before having to do so on the fly, a time when this step would be very costly as regards time and money.


Prototypes for smartphone


If this aspect is relevant at any level, knowing how to use prototypes on smartphones is essential at this time, since it is a device that has already outgrown the computers themselves in terms of number of users. So when it comes to designing a web page it is impossible to ignore smartphones and the design needed to adapt to them and, therefore, to their users.

But how do you use a smartphone prototype? It is simply about shaping the operation of a web and the interaction between it and its future users through a sketch.

What is expected of users when they visit the site in question? It will be necessary to facilitate the experience so that they are comfortable to navigate through it, and raise it by developing a prototype that establishes everything as it will be in the future with the actual creation. Making the necessary tests will find out the errors, the successes and the needs to cover when taking the web to the practice.



Prototypes for tablets


Similarly, when it comes to developing prototypes for tablets you should always keep in mind what the tasks of this task are in order not to divert attention. The interaction between the navigator and the web is fundamental and, although it is true that the design can be very similar to that of a mobile – we could even talk about the average term between smartphone and pc -, each device poses new challenges that must be covered.

Users do not use a smartphone exactly like a tablet; Without going further we can talk about the moments and the places of the day to day in which we resort to each one and we could observe a great number of differences. Therefore, knowing how to use a prototype for tablets is fundamental to carry out the design and final development suitable for a web.



Prototypes for PC


In the case of the PC, we would again be talking about a different prototyping, which entails certain complications although it may actually seem the simplest. Although we refer to a device that has developed the web for a lifetime, it is worth remembering that the evolution with respect to these screens is also unstoppable and does not remain static before the advance of smartphones and tablets.

In the same way as in the previous examples, this task must be carried out with complete thoroughness. If, on the contrary, it is decided to create a web directly without using a prototype beforehand, it will be more complicated to solve the errors found and, of course, much more expensive.

Although responsive design should not be a choice at this point and web pages should automatically adapt to any device, the truth is that it never hurts to know how to use prototyping and use it to ensure proper operation, as well as the proper interaction between The user and the computer, tablet or smartphone on call.


In Checkealos we advise the use of prototypes, because of our wide experience in user experience we consider it an essential resource to guarantee the development of a good web from the first moment. If your product offers problems in the user experience we can help you solve them, but the truth is that the ideal is to start working on the user experience from the beginning of its design, with the testing and the creation of prototypes adapted from the minute Zero of its birth to the users to which they will be destined, thus ensuring an optimal usability from the beginning.
