Why are professionals in user experience so important? Undoubtedly it is a figure that is emerging strongly in our reality, and it is not insignificant that each day it is given even more prominence. But what is the motive? We will answer this and other questions.
At present, the consumer has acquired a huge maturity in the online world. This means that every day is more demanding in your buying process. In fact, significant data emerged from the study by Nielsen, a leading consultant, called ecommerce Habits.
According to the data, 52% of Spaniards are informed about the products to be purchased online before buying them physically in a store. In fact, according to market trends, this practice is increasing. And it becomes more important when the same report reveals that 47% of users consider online shopping more economical than physical.
What do you have to be a professional?
Today, for a professional in user experience is critical if a website looking for success. So, developing this field opens up an immense amount of doors in an area of great future at present. Now, what is needed? What skills are needed?
A professional in user experience, also known as UX or User Experience, is actually a concept that encompasses web usability experts. That is, when someone accesses an online or ecommerce site, this figure is responsible for making their experience unique and positive.
Today is key that a user has a good online experience, because short, medium and long term, this will translate into the success of the site. Therefore, the usability of the platform has to be optimal.
In short, we can summarize this profile as a professional that facilitates the life of the user. Therefore, let us define a series of competences that you can not miss to find success in this field:
- You have to be proactive. It is very important that you are a person who can listen. The good usability professional knows at all times what the potential customer needs and offers it in the most friendly way possible.
- You have to be open to change. That is, you have to constantly update yourself. We must not forget that we are moving in a very changing technological reality that is advancing by leaps and bounds. Thus, information architecture and the same design are constantly changing, so it is very awake to introduce the relevant changes in the shortest time possible.
- You will have to manage a number of basic tools. Obviously, as UX you are obliged to know the tools available to facilitate the experience of the users of your website.
What tools should you know?
Of course, every UX professional should know a number of vital tools to ensure an excellent user experience. They are usually in the form of applications. Today, the market is very broad and everyone will feel comfortable with the ones that best fit the way they work. However, they should at least provide:
- Quick information. An app that provides you with all kinds of information about the user is basic. This way you can facilitate the consumption phase and turn it into a positive one. In this process, it is necessary that the tool provides you with alerts and notifications, status visualization, customer registration, message reception, sending of impacts, information on results, satisfaction measurement, etc.
- Accompaniment of the client. Another necessary tool will be a manager that will help you to accompany potential clients. In this way you get detailed analysis to optimize the processes. In short, it will be an app that offers a great performance, as it will be basic in transferring clients, work profiles, segmentation, route assignment, etc.
- Communication tools. And of course, communication will also be vital in the success of the project, so you need an app about it. Thanks to it you can manage the points of attention, notifications, waiting times, personalized attention, etc.
Do you really need a professional in your project?
The answer to the question in the title is a resounding YES. You need a professional in your project if you are looking for success. There is nothing more to remember the study with which we began the article. More than 50% of users check on the internet for any product before buying. And almost half believe that online acquisition is cheaper than in a physical store. So yes, a professional user experience is not only necessary, it is vital.
So, when it comes to user experience, Checkealos is the ultimate help you need. We are experts in this field and we offer all the necessary tools to become a great potential capable of creating a huge portfolio of satisfied customers.
Do you want to be a professional in user experience? You already know, count on us and learn all the secrets of this profession full of future and success.