15 user experience tips

If you notice that potential customers who enter your websiIte stay for just a few seconds and leave, these user experience tips are for you. If you want them to stay, read your articles, see your products and, above all and above all, convert and buy your services, take note.

After all, what is the purpose of your website? That they play a good time to the games that you have programmed? Are they interested in your content and stick to advertising? Buy your products? Surely yes. So, if you want your business to go head-to-head, improve the user experience or UX. For that, nothing is better than …


5 user experience tips for web


… taking note of these user experience tips for web that can give you a huge benefits:

  1. Improve your web design: humans have eaten for centuries with their eyes. That is, if we see beauty, we are attracted. Why would it be different in the web world? Thus, it offers the user a careful design, with quality images, eye-catching calls to action, ease and handling, intuitive and comfortable catalogs to find.
  2. Add a quality plus: if your web is poor in image, it will not attract users. So make sure you offer quality photos, good videos and content that are truly worthwhile and bring value. It is the best way to generate a good UX in the client.
  3. Use responsive design: today more than half of the users connect to the internet or make their purchases from the smartphone or the tablet. So it is better that you facilitate the work and your customers so that Google will give value positively.
  4. Cut load times: do you like to spend hours and hours waiting for a new page to open on a website? Well, neither does your client. If you think your load times are good but the user leaves, shorten them, do not hesitate a second.
  5. Differentiate yourself: there are clear examples of websites that work very well. But if you do the same thing as them, it is more than likely that it will not do you good because what you offer others already do and probably better. So, enter details that characterize you only, whether in dealing with images, original content, details in the unique web template


5 user experience tips for ecommerce


Now we go with a number of user experience tips for ecommerce. If customers do not buy, you may be interested in introducing:

  1. Personalization of the online store: Know your customer perfectly to personalize your experience. Study your behavior well, create user experience maps and do whatever you need to have a peaceful ride through your ecommerce. Rest assured you will be delighted.
  2. Implement free tools: While your ultimate goal is to sell and earn money, do not do it at any cost. Provides customer support tools to help you. This detail will give you greater visibility, you will gain the confidence of the user and generate good engagement.
  3. Facilitates the elimination of actions: the easier the purchase process, the more comfortable the client will be. It allows them to undo actions and gain their trust.
  4. Always be very clear: make sure that the prices of the shipping, cost of goods, VAT, discounts, etc. are clear. Do not hide this type of information, because it generates a lot of mistrust.
  5. Design a comfortable view of the online store: make sure you know how the customer perceives and sees your website. For this you will have to study, depending on which device you connect to, what you will see as you progress through ecommerce. Notice that the experience as a consumer is pleasant and do not abuse content, advertising, catalogs very extensive, etc.


5 user experience tips on games


Finally, let’s discover a number of user experience tips for games. You will gain a lot of visibility:

  1. Measure well the difficulty curve: not all players are especially skilled or experienced. But if you want to enjoy it, create a good learning curve with the difficulty adjusted.
  2. Make it visual: even if your game is a simple puzzle, if it is visually pleasing, it will gain many integers. In addition to being playable, it is important that it offers an attractive and powerful image.
  3. Measures success: Many players like to share their results with friends and competitors. So, create scales to challenge and make it easier for them to share.
    Anticipate the traps: this detail is important especially in online games. You have to be alert to overtake the cheaters who find the weaknesses and can bore other users, who end up abandoning.
  4. Create comfortable tutorials: it is basic that the player can quickly learn the mechanics. For this it will be mandatory to implement simple, fast and comfortable tutorials.



We hope these 15 user experience tips have been helpful to you. But as you imagine, they are not the only ones. In Checkealos we have much more to show you. If you want to win online, take advantage of how much we can help you today.
