The user experience design in mobile applications seems absolutely essential in the success of these APPs. If on a web page the usability is relevant, when we refer to the software of the smartphones is a completely decisive factor. At the moment it would be unthinkable to imagine the creation of any PPP that leaves aside the user experience to be developed; Is an option that is not even contemplated, or at least that’s when we talk about experts.
But why is it so important what we also know as User Experience when it comes to mobile applications? The answer is as simple as imagining yourself using any of these programs in your day to day life with your smartphone.
How long is an APP that is not comfortable for us? What happens when its operation is slow? What if it offers a complex and difficult to understand use? In answering these questions, the first answer is also indirect: because if you do not take care of the user experience you are condemning to any application to the most absolute of the failures.
From Checkealos we help you how to work the user experience in mobile applications and delve into the importance we have been mentioning up until now. If you want to know how the professionals dedicated to UX face this task, you have no choice but to keep reading; Yes, we will try to be brief.
The usability tests in APP
The main thing to take into account the user experience in an APP is to carry out the usability tests necessary to know each and every one of the aspects to be treated. Through this procedure you can find the errors to correct, the positive factors to improve and any need to add or delete elements. Without developing this task the design of the user experience would be much more complicated, so we could say that it is indispensable.
These tests focus their attention on the target of each application by a simple reasoning: the target audience will be who uses the program in the future, so it is this group to be satisfied when creating the software and establish a design. For this reason it should be segmented to the public and choose the user profile that in theory will handle the APP, because nobody better than he can tell us that we have to improve.
The user experience and mobile applications
Although its already explained, it becomes necessary to redound in the relationship they maintain – or less maintain the user experience and mobile applications. It is not a matter of gratuitous insistence, but of emphasizing a fundamental aspect in our daily life; The vast majority of members in the society we live in uses our smartphones on a constant basis, and if anything is based on this use is precisely in applications, although we do not always realize it.
In any case, consciously or unconsciously, we are beings constantly adhering to the mobile applications and we use them practically for everything. We relate, inform ourselves, make decisions and make purchases through them, and these are just some of the most important movements we make through applications. We have miles of millions of programs to choose from, how can there not be a waste of those that do not work optimally?
User experience Professionals
The professionals dedicated to the User Expert are perfectly aware of this importance, and for this we put all the effort in that the usefulness of the applications with which they work optimum sea. In this way, we put into action great things of work in this aspect – that beyond what I can seem is no minucia -, beginning precisely by the development of usability test that determine what should be improved and what not In each APP.
In addition to this, to analyze other programs of the competition and to have the opinion of the experts experts in usability in other processes that guarantee the good do in the design of the user experience. No mobile application without validity without this essential factor, so any procedure falls short in order to ensure the satisfaction of each user with a smartphone and his hand.
At Checkealos we offer you several services for this purpose as UX professionals. On the one hand and of course, we put at your disposal the possibility of carrying out usability tests with your target audience; What would be your role in this process? Only communicate the profile of the target, and is it? In fact, we take care of providing you with the users that meet your target and they will interact with your APP while making comments and telling us your thoughts aloud. This will be collected in a video to analyze their behavior and recommend all the appropriate improvements so that you can offer the best user experience in your APP.
On the other hand, we also carry out this same analysis with respect to your competition, since it is something that always helps to find virtues and defects and to differentiate you positively in your niche market. If you also want the opinion of our experts, you will not find a better way to get a great match to your mobile application considering that a large percentage of your success depends on the user experience.