The rise of independent Video Game development: Keys to success and the importance of Usability

Hand typing on a keyboard during video game development.
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The rise of independent Video Game development: Keys to success and the importance of Usability

Until a few years ago, being an independent video game developer was not exactly a profitable endeavor. However, this did not discourage those who ventured into the field, as they found advantages that went beyond economic gains. Today, the reality has changed drastically. Being an independent video game developer can be a significant source of income, but only for those who excel at their work. The secret? Consistency, persistence, and passion have been key in a sector that is now booming.

But let’s break it down: what exactly does a video game developer do? Why is this professional profile so sought after today? At Checkealos, we want to answer these questions, and also address a key issue that many still overlook: how do you audit the usability of a game? This factor is fundamental to achieving success in the highly competitive video game world, and surprisingly, there are still companies and developers who do not give it the attention it deserves.

This post will clear up all the doubts.

What does a Video Game developer do?

To better understand the impact of this role, it is essential to start with the basics. Although the term “video game developer” may seem clear, not everyone understands the full scope of their responsibilities.

In a world where technology advances at a dizzying pace, not everyone fully grasps these changes. However, when you think about it, a video game developer is the person responsible for creating and bringing to life the games we use daily, whether on consoles, computers, mobile phones, tablets, or any other device. These professionals design everything from graphics to the internal structure of a game, using platforms like Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot. They also work on aspects such as menus, language settings, and specific elements within the narrative.

In short, developers are the architects of digital entertainment, responsible for building the virtual worlds in which we immerse ourselves.

Why do companies prefer independent developers?

Now that we better understand what a developer does, it’s easier to grasp why the profile of the independent developer is on the rise.

Just like in many other industries, major video game companies have begun to outsource services. This shift makes sense: hiring independent developers is often more cost-effective than maintaining large in-house studios. A few years ago, major distributors had their own studios dedicated solely to creating their titles. At that time, independent developers had little presence in the market.

However, today, outsourcing services allows companies to cut costs without compromising quality. Many independent developers offer a level of quality equal to or even higher than that of in-house studios, making subcontracting a clear and effective strategy.

The importance of auditing the Usability of a game

Independent developers have not only gained prominence, but now also have to take on additional responsibilities that once fell on major studios. One of these crucial aspects is usability or user experience (UX). In the digital world, usability is essential for any product, whether it’s a website, an app, or especially, a video game.

The usability of a video game determines whether users enjoy or become frustrated with the experience. Poor UX can ruin even the most innovative game. Therefore, developers must audit this experience from the early design stages. Ensuring that everything works as it should before the game hits the market will prevent costly errors.

Practical advice for independent developers

As an independent developer, it’s essential to invest time in the testing and auditing phase of your game. Don’t underestimate the importance of conducting tests with real users. The way players interact with your game can make the difference between success and failure. Every detail counts: from the ease of navigating menus to the smoothness of the gameplay.

Checkealos for auditing the Usability of any Game

This is where Checkealos comes in. Aware of the importance of optimizing usability in games and digital products, we have developed a unique methodology. At Checkealos, we connect independent developers with real users from their target audience, allowing them to test their games. During these tests, we record both the screen and the users’ reactions and feedback, providing a detailed video analysis. This analysis is reviewed by our user experience experts, allowing for adjustments before launch.

Ready to ensure the success of your video game? Audit your creation’s usability with us and maximize your chances of success. Visit Checkealos and request your audit today.

Independent video game development is an exciting and opportunity-filled path, but to achieve success, it’s essential to pay attention to every detail, especially user experience. At Checkealos, we are here to help you optimize your game and deliver the best possible version to your players.

See you at the next level!
