What do we have to do to be an usability expert?

Many people will consider what to do in order to become an expert in usability, considering that this is an increasingly demanding profession. This, in turn, is also understandable given the success that websites usually offer an experience Adequate; But we do not read, this time it is not about talking about the fundamental that is usability, but about knowing a little more deeply the professionals who are dedicated to it and, why not? To encourage a little to all those who wish to take the step.

It is important to keep in mind that it is not a simple profession. An expert in usability has to comply with a series of features in a practically inescapable way. On the one hand, it must have a part of psychologist, another of sociologist, another of communicator and another of publicist, at least; On the other hand, you must be creative, proactive, emphatic and flexible to work with your team and your company without the slightest problem.

In reality there are no official studies beyond some courses dedicated to the user experience. However, because of the characteristics mentioned above, it is precisely journalists, publicists, psychologists, sociologists and even anthropologists who are more likely to enter a profession that, over the years, is closer to them than to The computer programmers or programmers. The reason we discovered it once again from Checkealos with this text.


Usability is a profession for the future

Performing a Usability testing is a profession of the present and future which goes far beyond what is currently being observable today. In fact, there remains very few companies of considerable size that do not resort to these strategies at present, although it can not be seen with the naked eye. Surely if you think of a website that you access frequently, you will remember that it shows a simple interface that tries to simplify to the maximum every step you take and every move you make, especially when it comes to offering products or services.

However, not all websites have come to implement this job. Some of them have not considered it necessary and many others have decided to opt for the outsourcing of this service, something that is not bad either, because if something has to offer an expert in usability to the web where it works is objective.

In this way you will always seek the good of it for simplicity, comfort and speed. If at this point someone doubts that these aspects are fundamental in the Internet, is that he does not know the tool well: a place where the user experience is going to be more essential every day than the previous one.

What is being an usability expert?

Being an expert in usability is something very simple: to ensure that a web page offers its users exactly what they expect from it. It is seen and verified – and in this blog we have already explained a few times – that when a navigator comes to a web and begins to be uncomfortable by various factors such as slow load, among others, ends up going to the competition. In the matter of sales this is a fatal error. Preventing this from happening is precisely one of the main functions of the UX expert.

To achieve all this, it is essential to know what the public expects from a web page and to anticipate events. Any contribution will always be positive for a web, and bearing in mind that technologies are advancing at full speed it is clear that a usability expert must be attentive to any developments that can be implemented on your page. If we had to define it somehow, we would talk about this figure as the web simplifier for users.


How to start

Since there are no university studies dedicated to usability, at least in Spain, the best thing to start if you are interested in doing so is to resort to a course focused on these terms. However, it will always be much better to start with some studies that can be adapted to this task, such as those mentioned in previous paragraphs, so that usability courses become a complement to specific knowledge when it comes to carrying out These tasks

But above all, if there is anything that can help you to become a real usability expert, it is the experience. Surfing the internet can become a real art in our day, and although practically anyone is able to do so, not everyone can detect certain aspects such as those affecting web usability and user experience.



Anyway, if you are reading from a company that wants to improve its website, the truth is that you do not need to specialise in usability. As we have said, most companies outsource this type of services and from Checkealos we postulate as a firm option to improve your website.

You just have to talk about your target audience and we will ensure that users who match that profile test your website and generate a video with your ratings. From here, our experts in user experience and usability will analyse the behaviour of your users against your digital product, to discover the key aspects to improve and the solutions to do so, giving a plus to the information you will receive from our Testers.
