Improving User Experience on the Landing Page

Designing a Landing Page
Reading time: 3 minutes

How to Improve UX on the Landing Page?

How to Improve UX on the Landing Page? Isn’t it frustrating to invest so much time, effort, and energy in increasing traffic to your website, only to realize that the bounce rate remains high? Your website likely has some issues that you can address. The main reason users leave your page quickly is because they encounter problems on the landing page. Therefore, it is crucial to improve the user experience of your landing page.

Present some suggestions for immediate improvements.

  1. Visibility and findability of your homepage.

Ensure that users can easily find your website using any search term on the internet. If you poorly manage the homepage, users may find it impossible to locate the website, even if they search directly using your brand name. The principal reasons for this are:

  • You have made the webpage with unsuitable technology, preventing search engines from indexing your site.
  • The robots.txt file blocks Google from indexing your homepage. You can find this file at ‘’, and it is usually modified to block access to the webpage during the development phase. This creates indexing problems if you don’t return the file to its initial state after finalizing the changes.
  • You might have the </noindex> tag in the “head” of the homepage HTML, making it impossible for search engines to index the webpage.
  • Problems with service delivery can result in your webpage not being indexed at all or being indexed incorrectly, which can produce the “404 error” page when searched.


  1. The loading speed of your webpage.

The user will not hesitate to leave your webpage if it takes an eternity to load. It’s a mistake you cannot afford to make if you want your users to return to your site.

  1.  Brand identification on your homepage.

The brand should be clearly and easily recognizable by the user on the homepage. If not, your users may not trust the website and leave the page quickly.

  1. Description of your purpose.

The purpose of your webpage should be clear and simple, including who you are and what you do. A slogan or header usually synthesizes the description of this activity in the top section of the homepage

  1. Accessibility of the content.

Structure the homepage perfectly so that users can access content in various sections or categories that pique their interest.

  1. Action execution.

It should be easy for the user to carry out functions through categories that invoke action, with options like “Buy,” “Upload photos,” and “Buy with your friends” or “Download.”

  1. Responsiveness of the web page.

It’s very important that your webpage is perfectly navigable on different devices, otherwise users will almost certainly abandon the page.

  1. Security and trusted sites.

It’s vital that the user visiting the webpage finds information that transmits security and online trust. If users find what they are looking for, it is very likely that they will return to your web page.

  1. Pop Up Ads.

A Pop Up is a window or advertisement that opens automatically while you are navigating online, preventing you from continuing with the activity you were trying to accomplish. You should be careful with the excessive use of Pop Ups because many users consider them intrusive.


I hope that these 9 tips to improve your landing page of your UX be useful to you. Due to the fast technology evolution, and also the UX, I will be delighted to continue informing you of the improves that could appear.

For more information on how to improve UX on the landing page, feel free to contact us. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Remember: The key to success on a landing page is empathy. Understand your users and create experiences that solve their challenges efficiently and pleasantly.

I hope this article has been useful to you!
