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What is User Experience

The User Experience (UX) is the perception, either positive or negative, that a user obtains after interacting with a product or service.
In the interaction of a user with a web page, a software or an app involved many factors such as graphic design, intuitiveness, trust, information architecture etc., which will be determinant in the user’s perception about it; That is, in the user experience.

How to build confidence in your web site usability in 2022?

When we talk about web usability we talk about the ease with which a user can use a web, navigate and interact with it.
An easy-to-use web (with good usability) is much more likely to succeed; Internet users want easy-to-use websites, do not want complications or need much time to understand a web or access information.
But … how do we get it?

What are the principles of usability in an APP

We understand usability by how easily it facilitates the user to reach their goals while interacting with it.
The term usability is commonly associated with the usability of websites or software, but the usability of mobile applications is also a very important factor.

Visual impact at first sight

Visual impact is formed during the first 4 seconds in which a user first displays a web page. The visual impact is the first impression that a user has the first time he accesses a web page, and it depends on the predisposition that he has to continue in it or abandon it and access another.
Humans enjoy having a holistic perception, that is, we perceive and understand the whole before its parts.

5 UX Web or APP strategy keys

In the design of a web page or app, content (or copy) there are elements of great importance that will greatly influence the User Experience.
The quality of the content, quantity, relevance, veracity, relationship with the subject, etc. are relevant factors that will make our web or app have the desired success or do not have it; Are decisive aspects in the User Experience.
In the content solution we offer in one form or another the designers, programmers, Copy writers will intervene.

What is Customer Experience?

The Customer Experience (CX) is the general perception that a user gets when relating to a company or product. It covers all the relationships that a user establishes with the company whether they are emotional, interactivity, or communication before, during and after interacting with it.

Mini- UX Review: Time of India

A media group started in 1838 and is the biggest media conglomerate in India today. They have a revenue of $1.3 billion per year coming through online, print, television and services like TimesMoney. Traditionally they have been able to balance the journalism needs and revenue making needs very well.

A / B Testing: alternative designs

Test A / B is a method by which users are offered different versions of a product (web, app, software, …) to measure which one

What does a Product Manager do?

If there is a figure that is emerging lately in a large number of companies is the product manager, but what does a product manager? You may have